Thursday, April 4, 2019


Detox diet comprise low fat, high fiber foods which aid in removal of toxins from our body, after one week of detox you should begin feeling more energized and less bloated. A strict detox diet involves the elimination of processed foods, preservatives and additives, gluten, dairy, high fat foods, sugar, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, starches like pasta and breads, and all meat from one diet. Less strict detox may include one cup of coffee per day to avoid any headaches and certain types of fish. 

Duration and frequency of detox to achieve maximum result should last one week and should be made into a habit in maintaining healthy lifestyle. To those in detoxing for the first time may experience headaches that are associated with withdrawal of caffeine and other food that avoid during detox. How often you should detox is dependent on your lifestyle, metabolism and regular diet. Better to consult a health care provider to determine your detox frequency. 

Since the main purpose of any detox is to cleanse one’s body by eliminating toxins, ideally all foods should be organic and fresh, during detox all food should be sautéed with olive oil, broiled, steamed or baked. Most important drinking lots of water will help flush out toxins. Water will also cut unnecessary food craving by keeping you feeling full. Vegetable and fish “must eat” increasing your vegetable intake is good, but replacing any red meats and other food on the “to avoid during detox” list with vegetable is great. Although all vegetables have some nutritional value, the colorful ones offer the most health benefits. All these vegetable, tomato, onion, garlic, shallots, chives and leeks are cancer reducing foods. The next time you add these foods to a dish, remember that they not only add spice but also reduce the risk of cancer. 

Saturated fats should avoid altogether, because they are toxins that build up in cell membranes and increase the risk of heart disease. During detox, saturated fats should replace with nutritional fatty acids such as those found in olive oil and flaxseed oil, salmon and tuna. Salmon and tuna may contain highest level of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and are therefore the preferred fish for detox diets. Considered essential nutrient for development of healthy cells, these fatty acids cannot be made by our bodies and must come from foods. Lack of these fatty acids can result in chapped lips, cracked or dry skin and brittle hair. Beyond skin condition these fatty acids can also improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation.